File copy

This plugin lets you copy files from the host to the VM under construction, create directories, and set permissions and ownership.

Note that this necessarily violates the first development guideline.


The file_copy plugin takes a (non-empty) files list, and optionally a mkdirs list.

Files (items in the files list) must be objects with the following properties:

  • src and dst (required) are the source and destination paths. src is relative to the manifest, whereas dst is a path in the VM.
  • permissions (optional) is a permission string in a format appropriate for chmod(1).
  • owner and group (optional) are respectively a user and group specification, in a format appropriate for chown(1) and chgrp(1).

Folders (items in the mkdirs list) must be objects with the following properties: - dir (required) is the path of the directory. - permissions, owner and group are the same as for files.